Research Resources

The primary purpose of the Milford Historical Society (MHS) is to collect, preserve and make available for sharing with others the history of the Village and Township of Milford, Michigan. To that end, the links below will lead you to various areas and items that the society has collected and is now making available via this Web site for others to view and appreciate. Many physical items that the MHS has collected over time are available for viewing at the Milford Museum, which is run by the MHS. We hope that you will enjoy the items that we have on display here and that you will visit the Museum and that both experiences will give you a better understanding of our history and heritage in this little corner of the world.

A Brief History of Milford

Stories from the Milford Times

Interpretative Signage around Milford

The Milford Historic District

Historic Pictures of Milford

The History of the Oak Grove Cemetery

The Ford Powerhouse Project

Milford’s own Mary Jackson

MHS Member Submitted Articles and/or Pictures

Historic Preservation References Links

The Oakland County Pioneer and Histoical Society

The History of Oakland County - by Thaddeus D. Seeley, published in 1912

Milford’s History